My Story

When talking about career, Sheryl Sandberg’s metaphor of the ‘jungle gym’ rather than a ‘career ladder’ deeply resonates with my own journey. Over nearly a decade of professional experiences, I’ve ventured through diverse fields, from non-profit organization, event management, music and digital campaign, to finally cultivate my most meaningful work in people and learning development.

It was not an easy journey.

Like many early-career professionals, I struggled with uncertainty. “Is this the right path for me?”, I kept asking myself. I was experiencing a “Quarter Life Crisis” and anxiously compared my experience to others’. I worked really hard to prove my worth, and I frequently felt on the brink of burnout.

Yet, experience is indeed the best teacher. When I connected the dots backward, I am thankful for having to get through it all. This led me to a profound understanding of myself—not just as a career professional but as a human being with a genuine desire to impact the lives of those around me positively.

Like many early-career professionals, I struggled with uncertainty. “Is this the right path for me?”, I kept asking myself. I was experiencing a “Quarter Life Crisis” and anxiously compared my experience to others’. I worked really hard to prove my worth, and I frequently felt on the brink of burnout.

I didn’t walk this path alone.

Along the way, I met incredible coaches and mentors who helped me find clarity amidst confusion, make courageous decisions, and execute my plans. Self-discovery awakened a belief in my abilities, transforming my mindset from one of comparison to one of curiosity and constant learning. This shift didn’t happen overnight but was forged through resilience, moments of vulnerability, and the courage to embrace discomfort while pushing my limits.

Navigating one’s career is like training on a jungle gym—it demands purpose, patience, and perseverance. Learning can be painful, but as competence grows, so does self-belief. And, most importantly, no one can go it alone; we all need a support system to thrive.

I believe that everyone can benefit from a coach or mentor. I’ve been fortunate to have had these guides in my journey, and now I want to help others understand themselves better and make empowered decisions—for their careers and their lives. Through coaching, mentoring, and training, I aspire to make a profound impact, reaching as many people as possible.

Together, let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Cinta Maulida

About Teman Diskusi

Teman Diskusi is your trusted partner in unlocking career potential and achieving financial success through personalized coaching, dynamic training & workshops, and expert financial guidance. Founded by a group of passionate professionals, one of whom is Cinta Maulida, Teman Diskusi is dedicated to empowering individuals to reach their goals.

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